Monday 24 June 2013


I was born in 1966 in Harare, Zimbabwe which is in Southern Africa.  I did high school in
Cape Town, South Africa and over the years travelled many miles between the two countries.  My favourite places were those parts of Africa where the wilderness had been untouched by man.  I have been fortunate to have seen many of the wild animals that Africa is famous for as well as those that are not so likeable such a snakes, scorpions and spiders.  I have dedicated this blog to Africa to hold the memories alive for myself and family and to share this with any interested readers.

We had to leave Africa due to circumstances caused by idiotic policies of the Zimbabwean government.  In 2002 they decided to take the farms away from commercial farmers and in the process destroyed the economy.  We have now been in the UK  for seven years.  I am very grateful to the British Government that allowed my family and I to live here even though I was not born here.  My Grandfather was born in UK and his Mum and Dad left for Africa when he was one  year old.  If my Grandfather had been born in Africa we would have had no rights to come back to the UK and I hate to think what would have happened to me and my family if we could not have left when we needed to.
Through out my life I have struggled with Bipolar Disorder and now living in a stable country has made a world of difference.  I have written another book on this aspect of my life which I will share at a later stage.  

That's all for now. 

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